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Singkarak Lake

Lake Singkarak is the largest lake in West Sumatra. It is situated in two districts; Solok and Tanah Datar. Its cool weather and the beauty of Mount Singgalang provide perfect scenery to this 1000 hectare… Singkarak Lake

Air Manis Beach

Air Manis Beach is closely related to the legend of Malin Kundang in West Sumatra. Malin Kundang is a character fabled to have been turned to stone, together with his ship, after periods of disobedience… Air Manis Beach

Money Changer

BUKITTINGGI Batour Agung Jl. A. Yani Bukittinggi Phone : +62752 34346 Dymen’s Jl. Sudirman Bukittinggi Phone : +62752 22904 East West Jl. Tengku Umar Bukittinggi Phone : +62752 31707 Indo Wisata Jl. A. Yani Bukittinggi… Money Changer

Art Shop


Ambun Suri
Jl. Supratman 21
Phone: (0752) 22769

Aisah Chalik
Jl.. Cindurmato No.90
Phone: (0752) 21158

Antik Shop
Jl. A. Yani No.2
Phone: (0752) 22557

Crystal Art
Phone: (0752) 23250
Jl. Minangkabau

Tiga Putra
Jl. Minangkabau 1,5/64
Phone: (0752) 21419

Art Shop


West Sumatra has several small comfortable hotels, though none of the deluxe class. three and two-star hotels all have airconditioning in Padang, with atteched bathroomn telephones and TV sets, a few are such as :… Hotels



Simpang Empat (Indonesian)
Jl. Gurun Panjang
Phone: (0752) 22661

Ria Sari (Indonesian)
Ngarai Sianok Shopping Centre
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 1
Phone: (0752) 21503

Simpang Raya (Indonesia)
Muka Jam Gadang
Phone: (0752) 22585

Three Tables
Jl. A.Yani No.58
Phone: (0752) 23306

Dymen’s Hotel & Restaurant
(Indonesian European,
Chinese, Japanese)
Jl. Nawawi No. 1-3
Phone: (0752) 23440, 28444

Coffee Shop
Jl. A.Yani No.105
Phone: (0752) 22306

Jl. A.Yani No.105
Phone: (0752) 23320
