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Air Manis Beach

Air Manis Beach is closely related to the legend of Malin Kundang in West Sumatra. Malin Kundang is a character fabled to have been turned to stone, together with his ship, after periods of disobedience… Air Manis Beach

Money Changer

BUKITTINGGI Batour Agung Jl. A. Yani Bukittinggi Phone : +62752 34346 Dymen’s Jl. Sudirman Bukittinggi Phone : +62752 22904 East West Jl. Tengku Umar Bukittinggi Phone : +62752 31707 Indo Wisata Jl. A. Yani Bukittinggi… Money Changer

Art Shop


Ambun Suri
Jl. Supratman 21
Phone: (0752) 22769

Aisah Chalik
Jl.. Cindurmato No.90
Phone: (0752) 21158

Antik Shop
Jl. A. Yani No.2
Phone: (0752) 22557

Crystal Art
Phone: (0752) 23250
Jl. Minangkabau

Tiga Putra
Jl. Minangkabau 1,5/64
Phone: (0752) 21419

Art Shop


West Sumatra has several small comfortable hotels, though none of the deluxe class. three and two-star hotels all have airconditioning in Padang, with atteched bathroomn telephones and TV sets, a few are such as :… Hotels



Simpang Empat (Indonesian)
Jl. Gurun Panjang
Phone: (0752) 22661

Ria Sari (Indonesian)
Ngarai Sianok Shopping Centre
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 1
Phone: (0752) 21503

Simpang Raya (Indonesia)
Muka Jam Gadang
Phone: (0752) 22585

Three Tables
Jl. A.Yani No.58
Phone: (0752) 23306

Dymen’s Hotel & Restaurant
(Indonesian European,
Chinese, Japanese)
Jl. Nawawi No. 1-3
Phone: (0752) 23440, 28444

Coffee Shop
Jl. A.Yani No.105
Phone: (0752) 22306

Jl. A.Yani No.105
Phone: (0752) 23320
