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Mount Merapi

Mount Marapi is also known as Merapi, located at an altitude of 1210 m above sea level (dpl). Mount Merapi is close to the City of Bukittinggi, precisely around Agam District and Tanah Datar, West… Mount Merapi

Sianok Canyon

The Sianok Canyon (ngarai sianok) is located in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra,Indonesia. Ngarai Sianok (Sianok Gorge) has two hill walls facing each other almost vertically. Its height is about 100 to 120 meters and length around… Sianok Canyon

West Sumatera Tourism Maps

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If you never visit West Sumatera before, tourism maps is best choices alternative for you, you can visit West Sumatera happier and easier. This tourism maps can be your guide

Here is distance in KM from a city to another city in West Sumatera.

Padang 77 213 35 56 93 105 178 72
Painan 77 136 112 133 170 182 255 149
Tapan 213 136 248 269 306 318 391 285
Lubuk Alung 35 112 248 21 58 70 143 37
Pariaman 56 133 269 21 37 49 122 58
Tiku 93 170 306 58 37 12 85 95
Manggopoh 105 182 318 70 49 12 73 107
Simpang Ampek 178 255 391 143 122 85 73 180
Padang Panjang 72 149 285 37 58 95 107 180
Bukittinggi 91 168 304 56 77 114 126 199 19
Payakumbuh 124 201 337 89 110 147 156 232 52
Batusangkar 102 179 315 67 88 125 137 210 30
Solok 64 141 277 91 112 149 161 134 54
Sawahlunto 95 172 308 122 143 180 192 265 85
Sijunjung 127 204 340 154 175 212 224 297 117
Lubuk Sikaping 168 245 381 133 154 191 178 105 96
Air Bangis 347 424 560 312 333 370 147 74 275
Sitiung 233 310 446 260 281 318 330 403 223
Muara Labuh 134 211 347 161 182 219 231 304 124

West Sumatera Tourism Maps

Tour de Singkarak 2010

Schedule Tour de Singkarak 2010 will be started on 1-6 June, 2010, with 20 countries participants. Route Tour de Singkarak 2010 divided into seven stages race, the length of the route about 700 Km, and… Tour de Singkarak 2010