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Minangkabau Culture

Minangkabau Peoples The people of Minangkabau is the Malay who reside current West Sumatra Province with the capital city of Padang. Historical researches revealed that the first kingdom on the country was located around 60… Minangkabau Culture



Simpang Empat (Indonesian)
Jl. Gurun Panjang
Phone: (0752) 22661

Ria Sari (Indonesian)
Ngarai Sianok Shopping Centre
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 1
Phone: (0752) 21503

Simpang Raya (Indonesia)
Muka Jam Gadang
Phone: (0752) 22585

Three Tables
Jl. A.Yani No.58
Phone: (0752) 23306

Dymen’s Hotel & Restaurant
(Indonesian European,
Chinese, Japanese)
Jl. Nawawi No. 1-3
Phone: (0752) 23440, 28444

Coffee Shop
Jl. A.Yani No.105
Phone: (0752) 22306

Jl. A.Yani No.105
Phone: (0752) 23320
