Many people have fears about health issues in the plane journeys. There are several factors cause a passenger at particular health risk during a flight, mostly as a result of the cabin environment. Here’s some of that risk factor and tips you can take to avoid some of that health risks:
1. Reduced oxygen availability
The amount of oxygen available within the cabin may be slightly less than normal air, this cause levels of oxygen in the passengers’ blood is lower than normal. Most people wil be tolerated this reduced oxygen availability, but not for those who already have heart or lung problems may find it triggers symptoms.
2. Dehydration
The air quality in planes isn’t humidified, which contributes to the body becoming dehydrated. This and the drying out of the protective mucosa of the mouth and nose, which normally acts as a barrier to bacteria and viruses, increases susceptibility to infection. Make sure you’re drink plenty of water, and avoid alcohol or caffeinated drinks.
3. Immobility due to limited cabin space
Long journey in the plane and have limited cabin space? Try to move around cabin, and get relaxed!
4. Poor air quality and infections
In general, the air quality in planes isn’t as good as the air outside, and air filters aren’t always fully effective. This allows bacteria and viruses to spread easily from one person to another, which is why many people arrive on holiday or come home with a cough or cold.
Make sure you are healthy before get travelling, this can help you avoid an infections such as cold or cough as long as in the plane. Keep your immune system strong by getting enough sleep and relaxation, eat a healthy diet that’s rich in fruit and vegetables, exercise regularly, and don’t smoke.
Travelling by plane when you have a cold can cause permanent ear or sinus damage. Ideally, you should wait until your condition improves, particularly if you have a high fever and/or ear/sinus pain. Consult your doctor about whether it’s safe for you to travel – they may be able to prescribe antibiotics or decongestants.
5. Air expansion due to air pressure changes
Rapid changes in air pressure when an aircraft is ascending or descending may cause discomfort for travellers with a head cold or ear condition. Pinch the nose and, with the mouth shut, blow gently. This opens the Eustachian tube between the mouth and middle ear, allowing the pressure in this cavity to equalise. Swallowing, chewing gum or sucking sweets can also help. If you’ve recently been treated for an ear condition, you should wait at least two weeks before travelling by air.
6. Keeping health as long as in the plane
Wash your hands regularly during the flight as you may come into contact with contaminated surfaces whilst moving around the cabin – if this isn’t easy then use a travel hand-sanitizer. Encourage those who are coughing and sneezing to cover their mouth and nose when doing so with a disposable tissue.
7. Have essential medicines with you