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Harau Valley

Harau Valley is a huge ravine with diameter 400 meters. The valley is very excited when you want to sight seeing walk on foot. it has a fresh air and exquisite lancscape around it. The granite mountainsides soured up with surrounding the valley. The granite cliffs that steep have a height around 80 meters until 300 meters. People who was hobby as cliffhanger who has visit to the valley give it name as “Yosemite” Indonesia.

Getting There
Harau Valley is located in 50 Kota Regency, at least 15 kilometers from capital regency,Payakumbuh or 47 kilometers in Bukittinggi east cost,West Sumatra,Indonesia.

From Minangkabau international airport, you can take a rented car or minibus plying the Padang-Payakumbuh. If you want to that place from Bukittinggi, you could take public transportation or rent a car whrere it could find in Bukittinggi city. The distance between Padang and Payakumbuh is about 140 km.

Getting Around

A Dutch colonial monument, which is located at base of Sarasah Bunta waterfall, is proving that valley visited since 1926. Ar that monument, there is Dutch Resident Assistant signature Lima Puluh Koto, F.Rinner and two Indonesia official, Tuanku Laras Datuk Kuning and Datuk Kodoh nan Hitam.

On the top of Harau Valley, there are nature preserve and wildlife reserve around 270,5 acres. This place was declared as a nature preserve since January 10th,1993. There are all kinds of tropic forest rain,which has highland species that protected, and a number of Sumatra rare animals. Long tail monkey (macaca fascirulatis) is an animal that often reveal itself in that area. This animal domesticated and love to move and back to forward around visitors. However, you must be careful, because there are some monkeys, which are annoying.There are often to take some food or goods from visitors and crawl when you want to close themselves.

The other animals are siamang (hylobatte syndactilus) and simpai (presbytis melalopos). their voice is often to hear but they never show themselves. The other fauna which protected are Sumatra tiger (panthera tigris Sumatrensis),bear (helaratos malayanus),tapir (tapirus indicus),wild goat (capriconus sumatrensis), and hedhog (proechidna bruijnii). There are 19 birds species like kuau (argusianus argus) and hornbill (anthhrococeros).

To Do
The tour objects potential are waterfalls,cave,the nature slots, and danger cliff,which is formed a wonderful and amazing landscape. There are recreations facility like swimming pool,camps, and valleys for hiking to surround taht area. the ticket to enter to Harau Valley is cheap enough and there is a location map too.

Lembah Harau had two point of tourism object, one called Sarasah Bunta and the other Aka Barayun. At Sarasah Bunta there are five waterfall and at Aka Barayun just one waterfall. The water of waterfall is so cool and fresh, there are also some little fish living on the nature pool of waterfall. At Aka Barayun there are some facilities of tourism; i.e. cottage/ resort, mini zoo, a track of hiking, Bendi/ horse-cart (the traditional vehicle), and also a butterfly farm

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