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Janjang Saribu

Nagari Sulit Air have unique mountain has a flat vertical cliff with red color on the left upper and the White color on the bottom right, just like national flag of Indonesia.

Getting There

Nagari Sulit Air is one of the large village in West Sumatra, located about 80 km from Padang. This village is located in Sepuluh Koto Diatas, Solok District, near from lake Singkarak (approximately 12 KM). From Minangkabau international airport, you may take a rented car or a public minibus plying the Padang-Solok route. This journey will take you passed the Sitinjau Laut area which is famous for its sharp curves and steep canyons.

To reach the summit of Mount Red-White you need to walking Ladder (in the Minang language = Janjang) of 1000 (one thousand) steps, so that the location of this tour known as the “Janjang Saribu”.

To Do

On the peak of the mountain, visitor can enjoying the beautiful panorama of Nagari Sulit Air. Beautiful natural fusion scenery between the green mountains, and sunset.

Also, visitor can take pictures of this scenery which draw many photographers and painters to visit Nagari Sulit Air. Remember that, you should not miss the beauty of Nagari Sulit Air as well as foreigners to record for posterity.

3 thoughts on “Janjang Saribu”

  1. pengn bngd prg ksn,,,, tp gq ad temnd????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? GMN DUNQs ?????????????????/

  2. Banyak objek wisata di Sulit Air, selain nagari yg indah dan kuat dengan adat minangnya,juga keramahan penduduknya disini juga tidak lepas dari pengaruh sejarah perjuangan kemerdekaan indonesia…

    O.iya dipuncak janjang 1000 terdapat sebuah goa..bagi para petualang jangan lewatkan ini…

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