Jembatan Akar and Your Mate
Jembatan Akar is a root bridge crossing over the river. It is a natural phenomenon where the roots of two kubang trees (Ficus sp) are plaited each other. Kubang tree is a clump of trees… Jembatan Akar and Your Mate
Jembatan Akar is a root bridge crossing over the river. It is a natural phenomenon where the roots of two kubang trees (Ficus sp) are plaited each other. Kubang tree is a clump of trees… Jembatan Akar and Your Mate
Lubuk minturun, is a trips to the natural bathing area, a natural choice vacation. Characteristics of the bathing place is the freshness crackle communicating with lori, transportation, train hanging residual Netherlands. No one it seems,… Lubuk Minturun, Paradise Bathing Area
Rendang (Padang-style Beef Stew) is a dish which originated from the Minangkabau ethnic group of Indonesia, and is now commonly served across the country. Also popular in Malaysia and Singapore, rendang is traditionally prepared by… Rendang Minangkabau
Dendeng balado (beef with chili sauce) is West Sumatra cuisine made from thin slices and the width of dried beef and fried dry. This fried meat flavored with chili paste (bumbu balado). Seasonings and cook… Dendeng Balado
Nagari Sulit Air have unique mountain has a flat vertical cliff with red color on the left upper and the White color on the bottom right, just like national flag of Indonesia. Getting There Nagari… Janjang Saribu
Twin Lakes are two lakes (“Danau Dibawah” & “Danau Diateh”) which are adjacent to each other in areas that were located on the edge of Highway Padang – Muara Labuh exactly in the Alahan Panjang.… The Twin Lakes
Mount Singgalang located at an altitude of 2877 m above sea level (dpl). Mount Merapi is close to the City of Bukittinggi, precisely Agam District, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Privileges Among the many mountains in West… Mount Singgalang
Boat race competition in Padang City has been started since the Dutch colonial government occupied Indonesia. At the time, it was called Selaju sampan (literally means paddling boat). The boats are decorated with colourful ornaments… Dragon Boat Race
Cubadak Island located in Mandeh territory, with area covered about 705 hectare, and known as Pulau Pinchnugan Talu/ Pincuran Orang Talu/ The Talu’s Douche. It is located in Koto XI Tarusan sub district, which is… Cubadak Island
Pencak silat or known as ‘silek’ in Minangkabau is a martial art rooting from Malay. Malay ethnics are commonly found in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Phillipines and several tiny islands adjacent to those countries.… Pencak Silat