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Water Safety on Holiday Trips

Follow this tips for keeping safe, whether in the water activities holiday such as swim, or boat :

As long as swimming activities:
1. Never swim alone, ask for guide/guards, especially if you can not swim
2. Never Never swim under the influence of alcohol or drugs
3. Never dive head-first into an unfamiliar body of water
4. Check local information for details of tides, currents and pollution
5. Check for the possible existence of jellyfish, sea urchins, coral, sea snakes, sharks and venomous fish
6. Never swim in the rivers, lakes and seas can put you at risk of a number of diseases.

As long as boat/waterskies activities:
1. Always wear life-jackets (buoyancy aids or personal flotation device) on the boats
2. Avoid yourself under the influence of alcohol or drugs on the boats
3. Ask for guide/guards, especially if you can not operate waterskies

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